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Our Mission & Vision

Our Mission

At State Oil Employees Cooperative Housing Society (SOECHS), our mission is to cultivate an enriching environment that nurtures the holistic growth of our children and ensures the security and well-being of our plot holders. We are dedicated to providing modern, sustainable, and affordable housing solutions for both State Oil employees and residents of Karachi while fostering a sense of community, respect, and inclusivity.

Our Vision

Our vision at SOECHS is to be a trailblazer in community development, recognized for our unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and the holistic development of our members. We envision vibrant neighborhoods that prioritize the well-being and growth of our children, offering them a nurturing environment to thrive and excel. Furthermore, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of transparency and accountability in all our operations. Every task, whether administrative or developmental, is executed with utmost adherence to quality standards and in strict accordance with the principles outlined in our by-laws and the Sindh Cooperative Act.

We believe in conducting our affairs with utmost integrity, ensuring that every decision and action reflects our commitment to fairness and equity. By following the guidelines laid out in the Sindh Cooperative Act and our society's by-laws, we aim to foster a culture of trust and reliability among our members.

Through collaborative partnerships and progressive initiatives, we envision a future where every member of SOECHS experiences unparalleled comfort, security, and prosperity. Together, we will continue to innovate, inspire, and build a legacy of excellence that transcends generations.


The objects of the Society shall be to carry on the trade of building, and of acquiring, buying, selling, hiring, letting and developing land in accordance with Co-operative principles and to establish and carry on social, recreate and educational work in connection with its tenants and the Society shall have full power to do all things it deems necessary or expedient for the accomplishment of all objects specified in its bye-laws, including the powers to purchase, hold, sell exchange mortgage, rent, lease, sub-lease, surrenders of and deal with lands of tenure and to sell by instalments and subject to any terms or conditions and to make and guarantee advances to members for building or purchasing property and to erect, pull down, repair, alter or otherwise deal with any building thereon.

State Oil Employee Co-operative Housing Society

Registered Under Co-operative Societies Act. VII of 1925

Sector 2-A, Scheme 33, Super Highway, Karachi, Pakistan

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